Supplement to euclidean 4dimmensional electromagnetism and electrogravitation

20/05/2014 23:25
Supplement to euclidean 4dimmensional electromagnetism and electrogravitation
Here comes some more formulas that is included in my unified field theory and that may be needed when you are constructing UFOs and antilenz generators.
Wx+Wy+Wz+Wct=W   where W  is the spacetime energy and Wx is the energy in  x-direction , Wy is the energy in y-direction , Wz is the energy in z-direction och Wct is the energy in the time dimension. 
W=∭(ρ0U)dxdydz=∭(¤c2)dxdydz    ρ0U=¤c2 where ρ0 is the charge density and ¤ is the mass density, U is the electrical spacetime potential and c is the normal lightspeed.
F2=Fx2+Fy2+Fz2+Fct2 where F is the force and Fx is the x-component of the force , Fy is the y-component of the force , Fz is the z-component of the force and Fct is the force component in the time dimension.
Fx=dWx/dx     Fy=dWy/dy     Fz=dWz/dz     Fct=dWct/(cdt)
P=Px+Py+Pz+Pct=(d3W)/(dxdydz)=ρ0U=¤c2 where P is the total pressure in the area ((spacetime energy)/volume) and Px is the pressure(force/area) in x-direction , Py is the pressure(force/area) in y-direction , Pz is the pressure(force/area) in z-direction and Pct is the time pressure((time energy)/volume) in the time dimension.
Py=d2Fy/(dxdz)=d3Wy/(dxdydz) =ρ0Uy=∫(ρ0Ey)dy=∫(ρ0(vtEsy/c+∫(dEsy/(cdT))cdt-∫(dBxy/dT)dx-∫(dBzy/dT)dz)dy-∫(jxBxy)dy-∫(jzBzy)dy
Pz=d2Fz/(dxdy)=d3Wz/(dxdydz) =ρ0Uz=∫(ρ0Ez)dz=∫(ρ0(vtEsz/c+∫(dEsz/(cdT))cdt-∫(dByz/dT)dy-∫(dBxz/dT)dx)dz-∫(jxBxz)dz-∫(jyByz)dz
Pct=(d2Fctcdt)/(dxdydz)=d3Wct/(dxdydz) =ρ0Uct=∫(ρ0Ect)cdt=∫(ρ0(∫(dBxct/dT)dx +∫(dByct/dT)dy+∫(dBzct/dT)dz)cdt+∫(jxBxct)cdt+∫(jyByct)cdt+∫(jzBzct)cdt
Fct=∬Pctdxdydz/(cdt)=∬(ρ0Uct)dxdydz/(cdt)=∭(ρ0Ect)dxdydz=∭(ρ0(∫(dBxct/dT)dx +∫(dByct/dT)dy+∫(dBzct/dT)dz)dxdydz+∭(jxBxct)dxdydz+∭(jyByct)dxdydz+∭(jzBzct)dxdydz
Where jx is the x-component of the current density , jy is the y-component of the current density , jz is the z-component of the current density and vt is the time velocity (vt2=c2-vx2-vy2-vz2).
gx=(dPxΔU)/(¤dxU0)     gy=(dPyΔU)/(¤dyU0)    gz=(dPzΔU)/(¤dzU0)     gct=(dPctΔU)/(¤cdtU0)
Where g is the gravitational field and gx is the x-component of the gravitational field , gy is the y-component of the gravitational field , gz is the z-component of the gravitational field and gct is the gravitational field component in the time dimension. ΔU is the voltage between the points where force and counterforce acts and U0 is the background potential of the Aether (the average inner potential of the matter) and is calculated as follows: W0=∑(QU)     ∑(Q(U-U0))=0    
+0,65GV≤U0≤+1,1GV (exact value have’nt been measured can possibly be different for different materials) W0 is the normal spacetime energy and Uind is the induced potential.
Where Fg is the gravitational force (that is an unidirectional force whitout counterforce (you can read about the derivation of the gravitational force in ”artificial gravitation”) you can easyli see it by that the gravitational force occurs between force and counterforce pairs of electromagnetic nature where it exists a potential difference between the points where force and counterforce acts (if you change force against counterforce you multiplicate whit -1 but then ΔU also changes sign so that you multiplicate whit (-1)2=1 thus Fg is in the same direction at both points (lacks counterforce) so that it could be used to UFO propulsion) and Fgx is the x-component of the gravitational force , Fgy is the y-component of the gravitational force , Fgz is the z-component of the gravitational force and Fgct is the gravitational force component in the time dimension.
Where Pg is the total gravitational pressure ((gravitational energy)/volume) and
Pgx is the gravitational pressure ((gravitational force)/area) in x-direction , Pgy is the gravitational pressure ((gravitational force)/area) in y-direction , Pgz is the gravitational pressure ((gravitational force)/area) in z-direction and Pgct is the gravitational pressure ((gravitational energy in the time dimension)/volume) in the time dimension.
Where Wg is the gravitational spacetime energy ( because ΔU is part of the formula it seems that the gravitational energy is some sort of energy change where energy is transfered between this 4space and other 4space(overdimensions, hyperspace)) Wgx is the gravitational energy in x-direction , Wgy is the gravitational energy in y-direction , Wgz is the gravitational energy in z-direction and Wgct is the gravitational energy in the time dimension.
I hope that this article together whit euclidean 4dimensional electromagnetism and electrogravitation and the hyperspace theory gives you enough information to build time (zero point) energy converters, UFOs and stargates. And that you really knows how the universe works.